A Note from Our Founder on International Women's Day

Dear Friends + Supporters of Sip Better,
Happy International Women's Day!
Raised as an only child by a strong, independent, hardworking female entrepreneur, I can't tell you how much I value the support of my strong female community today. I am constantly in awe of the women in my life who work full-time jobs, raise strong, intelligent + independent children, nurture a household of many and seem to flawlessly manage their friendships and more while doing it. To my lady friends who have charged forward with their careers—I am astonished by your power, magnetism, brilliance + strength. You ALL inspire me to no end.
With each year, I listen + lean harder into the relationships of my lady friends, colleagues and supporters as you all continue to teach me the lessons of patience and resilience. My strength now as a 20 year business owner—and just a month short of my 50th birthday—seems to be unstoppable. Still wide-eyed and open to the possibilities of business + life, I am a bit wiser, softer, and a whole lot more appreciative of the road I took to get here because of these lessons.
Three businesses later, a community filled with some of the most endearing humans I have ever met + a network of family and friends that I am so very grateful to have by my side, I am honored to stand amongst my sisters on this International Women's Day. So today, find a woman who has inspired you + tell them how grateful you are for them with one big hug. Because when we all do better, we ALL do better. Find a sister + raise her up!
Thank you to all who continue to believe in my female-led companies—your strength is my strength!
Cheers to International Women's Day!
Sip Better Sommelier + Founder