Wine + Holiday Cookies

It's baking season!
Whether you get down with a little sugar and flour in your own kitchen or opt to buy a smattering of holiday cookies from a local bake shop, we don't judge. But we do HIGHLY recommend you crack open a bottle of wine when you snuggle in with your dessert plate this winter.
Pairing wine to Christmas cookies and other festive treats is as easy as any other food and drink combination. Just remember that "like goes with like" (i.e. citrusy whites with lemon pound cake) and a good bottle of sparkling wine works beautifully with most decadent treats.
Below are a few of our favorite wine and cookie pairings to get you started. Happy Holidays and merry munching!
The Cookies
Gingerbread cut-outs, Pfeffernusse (German spice cookies), ginger snaps
The Wine
- Elena Walch Schiava: This light Italian red is laced with savory spice and a spot of pepper, making it the perfect compliment to warm-spiced cookies of all kinds