Give Vermouth A Chance

Let's talk Vermouth!
If you're thinking, "Booooring!", well stop that right now because Vermouth has gotten a She's All That-style makeover and is ready to go to the dance with YOU. Or just sit on your front porch and talk for hours. Whatever. Because that's just the kind of drink Vermouth is--easy going, versatile, and there for you.
Most of us know Vermouth as a wallflower. It plays a crucial supporting role in classic cocktails like the Martini and the Manhattan, but beyond that, it's not the most popular bottle on the shelf. In fact, it's not always clear where you would locate Vermouth in your local liquor store. Is it a liqueur? A mixer? A wine?
Let's straighten that part out right away. Vermouth is a wine! A fortified wine, to be exact. Fortified wines are neutral grape spirits that have been aromatized with flavorful herbs and botanicals. Are you familiar with Sherry or Port? Those are fortified wines, too! The practice of fortifying originated hundreds of years ago as a way...