Brunch Wine Pairings for Spring

Why do the first signs of Spring conjure up visions of brunch? For us, it's the perky green veggies that are finally poking out of the ground, and that special morning light that begs to be celebrated with a long, meandering feast with friends and loved ones, at a table set with savory breakfast favorites and maybe a few sweet treats. And wine!
If you've got brunch on the mind, too, here are a few Sip Better wines we love drinking with classic brunchy foods, plus, a no-fail recipe for the most impressive Dutch Baby pancake. Clink, Clink!
We're talkin' steak and eggs, chilaquiles, veggie-filled frittatas, and anything with mushrooms, meat, peppers, onions or tomatoes! For those super savory breakfast foods, serve a light-bodied red like Bodegas Itxas Harri Beltza from Spain or Elena Walch Schiava.
From waffles to cinnamon rolls to dutch baby pancakes (recipe below), you'll want something sparkling and slightly sweet. Try the pretty pink Patrick...