Happy New Year! And A Dry(ish) January

Happy New Year! It's always nice to have an excuse to hit REFRESH, right?
For some of us, that refresh might include a little break—or just a step back—from alcohol. Helloooo, Dry(ish) January! A moment to cleanse the system and make life a little simpler. If that's your plan, perhaps you're in the market for some non- or low-alcohol beverages options? Boy, have I got a drink for you!
It's a fruit shrub! A homemade one, in fact, and it's incredibly easy to make.
Fruit shrubs are vinegar-based fermented beverages that make for zippy mixers that almost mimic the funk and complexity of wine or booze. Add an ounce or two of this shrub to seltzer and garnish with fresh mint for a refreshing mocktail. You could also cut a glass of dry sparkling wine with shrub and a bit of seltzer and pretend it's New Years Eve all over again. Either way, this little concoction (recipe below) should get your creative juices flowing in a healthy, life-affirming way.
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