Bubbles: A Sparkling Wine Guide

All that sparkles is not Champagne.
Sure, Champagne is the most popular kid in the bunch, but there's a whole glittering world of sparkling wines out there that are delightful in their own right. The real trick is deciphering their differences and choosing a style you'll love.
This little guide will give you tools to help you choose your next bottle of bubbly with confidence. We'll run through the big three (Champagne, Prosecco, and cava) and give you tips on what to look for when you're in the sparkling wine aisle. As with many niche sets of knowledge, it's all in knowing the lingo!
New Year's Eve—a.k.a. Champagne's Big Day—is nigh, but I hope a look at this vast world of sparkling wine inspires you to crack open a bottle of bubbly on a simple Tuesday night, or whenever you're feeling a fizzy vibe. There's so much to explore beyond the cliché luxury of Champagne. So, let's get to it!
Champagne is a heavily regulated sparkling wine. In order to preserve its...